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A Garden Fit For A Cottage"
A Garden Fit For A Cottage"
Cottage gardens are a delight.
This little book describes the creation of the author's own small garden in South Yorkshire from a 'building site', through design to fulfilment, over a period of ten years.
It is dedicated to her husband without whose efforts the dream would not have become reality.
It contains many photographs illustrating progress and planting.
This little book describes the creation of the author's own small garden in South Yorkshire from a 'building site', through design to fulfilment, over a period of ten years.
It is dedicated to her husband without whose efforts the dream would not have become reality.
It contains many photographs illustrating progress and planting.
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Other Kindle books by Liz Reeve
The true story of a relationship between a mother and her son
who refused to conform to the norm. The 43 year journey took the family into
the world of new-age travellers, loss, addiction, international social
services, ill-health, death and despair before reaching the tentative but more
positive place being experienced today. A story of love and hope which cannot
be extinguished.
A series of 22 meditations based on a journey through Europe
in a camper van. Mick, Liz's husband, was made redundant in 1995 and embarked
on a Diploma in Horticulture, the second year of which was work experience.
This was done in a variety of chateaux and botanical gardens in Belgium, Italy,
Gibraltar, Portugal and France. Liz resigned her job as Secretary to the
Council for Social Responsibility of Derby Diocese to join him in this
adventure and this little book is the result of their experiences.