The Cottage Garden Society is one of the UK's foremost gardening organisations, operating at a national and regional level, run and funded by its members. It caters for people who enjoy the cottage garden style of gardening. This is a traditional, informal style that lends itself to any situation, rural or urban, large or small. If you want to extend your gardening horizon, joining a group like this could be the route for you.
There are over 30 regional groups in the UK. Most meet monthly and have talks in winter and visits to gardens and plant sales in spring and summer Joining one of these groups is an excellent way to meet fellow gardeners, swap plants and seeds and go on outings.
Annual national membership subscription is £12 single and £15 joint. Regional groups organise diverse activities for similar modest subscriptions. To see if this is for you, and to find out how to join, phone us on 01270 820940 or visit . We are also on Facebook and Twitter.
Yorkshire covers a large area so, although the group covers the whole of the county, it is based in the Doncaster/Wakefield area - although garden visits can extend as far north as York. Meetings are held on the third Sunday of each month, winter meetings being held in the Lawson Hut at Badsworth, between Doncaster and Wakefield, commencing at 2.00 for 2.30 pm. Garden visits usually commence in May, the last being in September.
Anyone wishing to join the Yorkshire Group should contact the chairman:
Mick Reeve
Tel: 01302 313030
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